Sunday, October 3, 2010

15,000 words in 2 days

You know when you sit down to the computer and the words just appear. I love those days, and then comes the inevitable Monday. The return to work, all the ideas screaming to be captured will have to wait while I waste my time in a drab gray space with few windows and he hum of computers...I love weekends and only wish that I could skip returning to the 'real job'.


  1. Janice Seagraves said...
    Well, maybe one day when you've made your millions as a famous writer, you can. :)
    Nicole Zoltack said...
    Even though I get to stay at home all day, I barely have any time to write. My two little ones don't let me.
    Ava James ~Romance Writer said...
    Janice - thats the hope ;)
    Nicole - Yep, I find it hard to concentrate with my cats around some times, can't imagine trying to write while the kids are so small and at home!

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