Sunday, November 16, 2008


I am proud to announce the arrival of my first review. Although, she does have a valid point. I should have showen Demetri's pain a bit more. But, oh well. Here's the link if you would like to read the full review of the One Touch, One Glance Anthology.

Waking Up by Ava James
Waking up is a military romance, with a wounded soldier, who has more than physical pain, his heart needs healing too. Ripping out the catheter would have caused excruciating pain and damage, but after I got over that forgotten detail I has found this a really enjoyable romance. That’s what I get for having a medical background, I can’t read the medical romances not written by someone with experience in that field. Ava James is an extremely talented author and I can’t wait to see what she has planned next. I do love men in uniform.


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